Positive Psychology
Positive psychology is the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels.¹
For a long period in time psychology was deficit based and focused on pathology, weakness and negative conditions of the human psyche. It neglected to place emphasis on the other two tenets of psychology looking at helping people live more productive and fulfilling lives and identifying and nurturing high talent.²
Our aim at Cortex Consulting is to help leverage individual and organisational well-being through the evidence-based research and theoretical frameworks that underpin the science of positive psychology. We highlight individual and team strengths that contribute to increases in energy, performance and collaboration. We drive the elevation of positive emotion, engagement, goal orientation and achievement. All of which ultimately lead to a happier, healthier, engaged workforce driving business growth.
In the workplace positive organisational behaviour combined with psychological capital emphasises the building of psychological resources including efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience.³
At Cortex Consulting, we are able to assess current levels of well-being and engagement in a team or organisation and recommend practical solutions for advancing through our workshops and assessments. We seek to assist in building positive, strengths-based teams and partner with our clients to achieve this. Our emphasis on developing and nurturing growth mindsets provides the foundation for success and lays the groundwork for positive change in constantly shifting market dynamics.
¹ Seligman, M &Csikszentmihalyi, M. Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, Vol 55 (1), Jan 2000, 5-14.
² Linley, A., Johnson, S., & Wood, S. Positive Psychology: Past, Present & (Possible) Future. The Journal of Positive Psychology, January 2006; 1(1): 3-16
³ Luthans, F., & Youssef, C. Emerging Positive OrganisationalBehaviour. Published in Journal of Management 33:3 (June 2007), pp.321-349
Benefits of Practicing & Applying
Improved resilience Luthans et al 2007
Improved interpersonal skills/relationships
Higher EQ Salovey et al 2008
Increased curiosity and creativity Kashdan, 2010
Better problem solving ability Fredrickson 2003
Improved self regulation and executive functioning Hofmann et al 2012
Increased intellectual, social, psychological, and physical resources Fredrickson 2001
Increased psychological capital Luthans et al 2004

Positive Psychology Workshops
Wellbeing at Work
Positive Organsational Behavior
Positive Communication
Positive Goal Orientation & Attainment
Positive Relationships
Leveraging Psychological Capital
Lead Well
Managing Empathic Distress